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TimePicker API

API documentation for the React TimePicker component. Learn about the available props, and the CSS API.


import TimePicker from '@material-ui/lab/TimePicker';
// or
import { TimePicker } from '@material-ui/lab';
You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.


onChange*funcCallback fired when the value (the selected date) changes @DateIOType.
renderInput*funcThe renderInput prop allows you to customize the rendered input. The props argument of this render prop contains props of TextField that you need to forward. Pay specific attention to the ref and inputProps keys.
acceptRegexRegExp/\dap/giRegular expression to detect "accepted" symbols.
ampmboolfalse12h/24h view for hour selection clock.
ampmInClockboolfalseDisplay ampm controls under the clock (instead of in the toolbar).
cancelTextnode"CANCEL"Cancel text message.
classNamestringclassName applied to the root component.
clearableboolfalseIf true, it shows the clear action in the picker dialog.
clearTextnode"CLEAR"Clear text message.
components{ OpenPickerIcon?: elementType }The components used for each slot. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
desktopModeMediaQuerystring'@media (pointer: fine)'CSS media query when Mobile mode will be changed to Desktop.
DialogPropsobjectProps applied to the Dialog element.
disableCloseOnSelectbool`true` for Desktop, `false` for Mobile (based on the chosen wrapper and `desktopModeMediaQuery` prop).If true the popup or dialog will immediately close after submitting full date.
disabledboolfalseIf true, the picker and text field are disabled.
disableIgnoringDatePartForTimeValidationboolfalseDo not ignore date part when validating min/max time.
disableMaskedInputboolfalseDisable mask on the keyboard, this should be used rarely. Consider passing proper mask for your format.
disableOpenPickerboolfalseDo not render open picker button (renders only text field with validation).
getClockLabelTextfunc<TDate extends any>( view: ClockView, time: TDate | null, adapter: MuiPickersAdapter<TDate>, ) => `Select ${view}. ${ time === null ? 'No time selected' : `Selected time is ${adapter.format(time, 'fullTime')}` }`Accessible text that helps user to understand which time and view is selected.
getOpenDialogAriaTextfunc(value, utils) => `Choose date, selected date is ${utils.format(, 'fullDate')}`Get aria-label text for control that opens picker dialog. Aria-label text must include selected date. @DateIOType
InputAdornmentPropsobjectProps to pass to keyboard input adornment.
inputFormatstringFormat string.
| { current?: object }
Pass a ref to the input element.
maskstringCustom mask. Can be used to override generate from format. (e.g. __/__/____ __:__ or __/__/____ __:__ _M).
minutesStepnumber1Step over minutes.
okTextnode"OK"Ok button text.
onAcceptfuncCallback fired when date is accepted @DateIOType.
onClosefuncCallback fired when the popup requests to be closed. Use in controlled mode (see open).
onErrorfuncCallback that fired when input value or new value prop validation returns new validation error (or value is valid after error). In case of validation error detected reason prop return non-null value and TextField must be displayed in error state. This can be used to render appropriate form error.
Read the guide about form integration and error displaying.
onOpenfuncCallback fired when the popup requests to be opened. Use in controlled mode (see open).
openboolfalseControl the popup or dialog open state.
OpenPickerButtonPropsobjectProps to pass to keyboard adornment button.
| 'minutes'
| 'seconds'
First view to show.
| 'portrait'
Force rendering in particular orientation.
PopperPropsobjectPopper props passed down to Popper component.
readOnlyboolfalseMake picker read only.
rifmFormatterfuncCustom formatter to be passed into Rifm component.
shouldDisableTimefuncDynamically check if time is disabled or not. If returns false appropriate time point will ot be acceptable.
showTodayButtonboolfalseIf true, the today button is displayed. Note that showClearButton has a higher priority.
showToolbarboolfalseIf true, show the toolbar even in desktop mode.
todayTextnode"TODAY"Today text message.
ToolbarComponentelementTypeTimePickerToolbarComponent that will replace default toolbar renderer.
toolbarFormatstringDate format, that is displaying in toolbar.
toolbarPlaceholdernode"–"Mobile picker date value placeholder, displaying if value === null.
toolbarTitlenode"SELECT DATE"Mobile picker title, displaying in the toolbar.
TransitionComponentelementTypeCustom component for popper Transition.
| Date
| number
| string
The value of the picker.
| 'minutes'
| 'seconds'>
Array of views to show.

The ref is forwarded to the root element.
